Sara is a Multidimensional Guide and Divine Activatrix, here as a mirror to help people orient back to their own innate wisdom, access their magick, and viscerally sense their infinite potential inside.
Through her own journey of connecting to her body, desires, unique cycles and rhythms, emotions, spirit, receiving her gifts, passion for movement and dance, studying and learning, experiencing different healing modalities and connecting with her own spiritual practices and ancestry, she was able to invite in the healing, regulation and integration needed to tap into and amplify her magick.
She has been working with dreams for the last 6 years, but in 2021-2022 passionately committed and devoted to expanding her personal dreaming rituals and practices. For Sara Dreamwork is an ancestral calling that resonates deep within her bones and blood. She is a Realm Bridger, Jewish Witch, Oracle, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Intuitive Channel, Healer, Body Worker, Podcast Host, Author, Peak Performance Coach, Mentor, Energy Alchemist, Mother, Wife, Sibling, Daughter, Friend, Ancestor, Essence/Energy/Being, and so much more.
Through coaching, healing and mentorship Sara holds space for your BODY and BEING to dearmor, unwind, repattern, reprogram, open up into possibility and activate and amplify your gifts and potentials. She works 1-1, with couples and in group containers creating spaces for healing, integration and expansion to cultivate wellness, vitality, thriving and wholeness across all layers of being.
Let Sara light up your channel and support you to stand in your whole multidimensional expression.